Regional Clubs

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The NEAA is a national organization, its members consisting of owners and breeders from the United States, Canada, and many foreign countries.

There are fourteen regional specialty clubs for Norwegian Elkhound Association of America members. These clubs sponsor matches and specialty shows and  host educational sessions for their charter members. They are particularly concerned for the welfare of Norwegian Elkhounds on a local basis.

The Regional Clubs often hold Meet the Breeds, Barn Hunts, and respond to rescue situations. They host fun social events, gatherings and picnics. Each club is the local resource for advice on Norwegian Elkhounds on grooming, training, and other questions.

Regional Clubs

Garden State Norwegian
Elkhound Club

Norwegian Elkhound Club of South Eastern Michigan

Northeastern Illinois Norwegian
Elkhound Association

Greater Milwaukee Norwegian
Elkhound Association

Norwegian Elkhound Association
of Minnesota

Norwegian Elkhound Association
of Northern California

Norwegian Elkhound Association
of Southern California

Norwegian Elkhound Club
of Greater Houston

Norwegian Elkhound Club
of the Potomac Valley

Norwegian Elkhound Minuteman

puget sound norwegian elkhound association logo

Puget Sound Norwegian Elkhound

columbine norwegian elkhound association logo

Columbine Norwegian
Elkhound Club