Join the Club

Be a Part of Norwegian Elkhound Association of America (NEAA)

Official Norwegian Elkhound Parent Club of the American Kennel Club. Our purpose is to benefit the Norwegian Elkhound breed in the United States and Canada by aiding, informing and encouraging its members in the care, improvement and enjoyment of their dogs.

These mighty moosedogs would love to add a silver lining to your day!

Ready to Join? Here are a Few Benefits

Member Benefits

Member Only newsletter

NE News is published 6 times a year and available to members only. Latest articles and statistics on competitions, health, research, and the breed.

Breeders Directory

Complete list of all NEAA Breeders of Merit, breed mentors, and responsible member-breeders that agreed to NEAA code of ethics.

Pedigree Research

Pedigrees of Norwegian Elkhounds past and present to research lineage for better breeding. Members may add AKC/CKC or Foreign Import Registered dogs to provide a more complete database.

Private Groups & Forums

Questions on dog sports, grooming, health or training an elkhound? Litter Announcements and available dogs. Tap into knowledgable elkhound resources around the U.S.

health and legislation

Updates on health issues and Canine Health Foundation grants supported by NEAA. AKC Legislation calls-to-action and concerns for dog owners and breeders.

frozen semen assets

Frozen Semen database and live stud dogs that might be available for members breeding programs.

online Historical archives

The Historical Archive Project is creating a resource library of all things elkhound.

View Past Awards/Statistics

Past and present awards and statistics on National Specialties, annual rankings, and sports.


Elkhounds Bring Members Together

meet us

learn little bit more about us

The Norwegian Elkhound Association of America was admitted to the American Kennel Club in November of 1935, and each year thereafter a delegate has been elected to represent the Association at the AKC meetings. The Association was organized and continues to exist for the purpose of encouraging the responsible breeding of purebred Norwegian Elkhounds, developing and bringing to perfection their natural high qualities, and doing all in its power to protect and advance the interests of the breed in competitive events and as a companion dog.

straight to the point

We Are Committed Solely to Norwegian Elkhounds.

Membership is Exclusive. Not everyone qualifies... We welcome past and present Elkhound owners, but new member applicants must have two sponsor recommendations and be approved by the NEAA board. But don't let that stop you from applying... We have Breed Ambassadors ready to help connect you with other welcoming Elkhound members because it's all about the betterment of our dogs.

NEW TO ELKHOUNDS? Become a NEAA Supporter to receive education and event updates, health and legislation news, and a quarterly newsletter just for our supporters.

Meet Some Current Members

Mary Albee

Shoot N Star ElkHounds

NEAA website designer, Breed Ambassador, co-founder of Pure Dog Talk podcast, and Stunt Coordinator for Ryan Murphy Television productions.

Amy Peterson

elvbend elkhounds

Kennel manager, Breed Ambassador and educator on popular Norwegian Elkhound facebook group.

why choose us?

Connect to a Regional Club

Local Elkhound clubs around the U.S. Offer conformation dog shows and often have picnics or fun social events or respond to rescue situations. Great resource for advice on Norwegian Elkhounds on grooming, training, and other questions.

Come Meet Us At One of Our....


You can meet Norwegian Elkhounds at events all over the U.S. Elkhounds compete in conformation (dog shows), agility, obedience, rally, barn hunt, trick dog, and herding. Many are also licensed therapy dogs. Become a member to receive updates about upcoming events.

What do you get by becoming A member?

CONNECT with other Elkhounders.

PARTICIPATE in Elkhound events.

PROMOTE AND PRESERVE Norwegian Elkhounds for generations to come.

Apply For Membership Today