The Shoe Sitter – Norwegian Elkhound Children’s Book

The Shoe Sitter – Norwegian Elkhound Children’s Book

Kari Olson - Norwegian Elkhound Children's Book

“The Shoe Sitter” is just one of Kari Olson’s illustrated books on Norwegian Elkhounds.  From the back cover: “It is the story of a little boy and his dog who were bullied and what happened to change that.  Sometimes all it takes to stop bullying is sticking to what you believe”.

Kari is a long-time NEAA member and breeder, and has competed in just about every elkhound sport possible…  Kari is a wealth of knowledge on training Norwegian Elkhounds and her dogs have always ranked at the top.

Drawings from Kari have been enjoyed throughout the years in the NE News (Official NEAA newsletter), as well as logos for club events.

The Shoe Sitter and other books may be ordered at

From Kari Olson:

“Ever since I was a child, I have drawn many animals. After I bought my first Norwegian Elkhound, of course, I drew mostly Norwegian Elkhound dogs, although I do other breeds too. My favorite media now is pen and ink, and I like to render them in color, with art markers or colored pencils. . 

I also love photography, especially of my pets and other animals, so have started some children’s books with photos . 

I just published a children’s book about a little boy in Norway and his Norwegian Elkhound. The theme is about bullying and how keeping to your beliefs can help win in the end. This book has 28 all new full color drawings. 

I currently am retired, and live on the Olson family farm, in Central Wisconsin ,  one Norwegian Elkhound and three rescued cats.”

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