2018 National Specialty Winner “Armani”

GCHG CH. Bristlecone ItSuitsMe        “Armani”

“Dream of a Life Time”

Every breeder dreams of having That One Special Dog.  When you have been breeding for 40 years and then your “Life Time Dream” comes true, you are truly blessed.

Armani was born on Sept. 9, 2012. At 10 weeks of age he was showing us his potential to be a show dog. He took his first major from the 6-9 puppy class. Following that, he went to the NEAA events weekend and came home with the BOB Jr. Futurity and two 5 Pt. majors. Armani finished his championship at 8 months of age.

Shown over 150 times his record stands for his exceptional abilities. He is the only dog to win the National BOB and the National Regional on the same weekend. Having been selectively bred, he is producing children and grandchildren that are either champions or on their way to their championship. He had defeated over 400 elkhounds to win his Gold Ch. He is a multi Group winner, Specialty winner and Best of Breed winner as well as having been one of the top ten Elkhounds in the US for 5 years in a row.

Living with this special dog has enriched our lives and fulfilled the essence of what a Norwegian Elkhound truly means as a family dog. One minute he can be in the show ring “showing off” and the next being loved by children and adults.  His easy going temperament makes him a joy not only to live with but to introduce to families. At home he has a deer that he runs with up and down the fence line.

He truly is an ambassador for the breed. We are grateful to have this dog in our lives.

Rita Burson

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